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Clubs and Organisations
Community spirit is very much alive in Portishead, which is demonstrated by the exceptional number of events and activities that take place in the town. Most of these happen because volunteers within the community have made them happen. There is certainly no reason to be lonely in Portishead, even if you can’t get out of the house or you don’t have much free time, there are organisations in the town that will welcome your input, even if it’s just an hour or two per month.
One of the best examples of the town's community spirit is the Christmas Lights committee and volunteers. Ride through the town centre to see the Christmas Lights 2016.
Our directory of clubs and organisations continues to grow, please use it to get in touch with groups that interest you; there should be something for everyone here.
List of Clubs & Organisations
Click a box to read more about each club / organisation...
Additional Needs Social Group
Additional Needs Social Group PANDA – Portishead Additional Needs Disco and other Activities – is a group led by parents and carers of adults with additional needs. They organise regular discos and other activities to provide safe a social setting in which to allow members to make friends and have fun. Get in touch with organiser Val Wills via their Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/groups/703831340728121
Read moreAge UK Somerset - Ageing Well exercise classes
Age UK Somerset - Ageing Well exercise classes Age UK Somerset's Ageing Well service delivers exercise sessions for people over 60 across Somerset and North Somerset. To find out what's on in and near Portishead visit view our Timetable of exercise classes Classes include Movement to Music, Tai Chi QiGong, Strong and Steady strength and balance classes. Please get in contact to find out more or to book your place. Address: Age UK Somerset, Ash House, Cook Way, Age UK Somerset, TA2 6BJ Tel: 01823345626 Email: ageingwell@ageuksomerset.org.uk Web: https://www.ageuk.org.uk/somerset/ Facebook: facebook.com/AgeWellSomerset
Read moreAir Training Corps (Portishead Squadron)
Air Training Corps (Portishead Squadron) 2494 (Portishead) Air Cadets are based in Station Road, just behind Parish Wharf Leisure Centre. The squadron parades on Monday and Wednesdays between 7-9.30pm. For more information, please contact the squadron by email at oc.2494@rafac.mod.gov.uk.
Read moreAllotments Association
Allotments Association Founded in 1926, the Portishead Allotments Association manages two sites in Portishead, covering a total area of about four and a half acres, the Beach Hill site, a Portishead Town Council allotment, and the Down Road allotment site. For more information on renting a plot and gardening hints and tips, please visit their website.
Read moreAmateur Swimming Club
Amateur Swimming Club Portishead Amateur Swimming Club is a non-competitive swimming club with around a hundred members who meet weekly on a Monday night at Parish Wharf Leisure Centre. Qualified teachers deliver a range of sessions including a variety of opportunities to develop and enhance their stroke technique, skill development and personal safety skills. The club runs water polo sessions as well as an annual gala, timed swims and other lifesaving and skills based sessions. For more information please contact For more information please contact portisheadasc@gmail.com or visit this page on the Parish Wharf Leisure Centre website.
Read moreArmy Cadet Force
Army Cadet Force - Portishead Platoon The Army Cadet Force is a voluntary uniformed youth organisation, partly sponsored by the Ministry of Defence. It has been successfully helping young people in their development for over 100 years. There are at present some 800 boys and girls aged between 12-18 years in the Army Cadet Force in Somerset. The Portishead Cadet Force trains at the cadet centre in Station Road. Tel: 01823 284486
Read moreArt and Craft Group
Art and Craft Group Organised by Gordano Valley Church this is a 'do your own creative whatever' group! Take along your own art/craft materials to work with. This is a social group where everyone is welcome. Tea and coffee is provided. They meet on Monday mornings 10:30-12.30 am at St. Joseph's Church Hall, West Hill. For more information contact Lois Knight at lois@gvc.org.uk
Read moreBadminton Club
Badminton Club Portishead Badminton Club welcomes new club and league players. The club meets on Monday evenings at Gordano Sports Centre, Gordano School, for the winter season September to March. The summer venue is yet to be confirmed.
Read moreBe More Ben
Be More BenThis is a not-for-profit group that supports families that have lost a child. The group was set up by a Portishead couple following the death of their eight-year-old son, Ben. They run regular informal coffee mornings and virtual events for bereaved parents, family groups, siblings, etc. There are also many fundraising activities.Find out more at their website, below. Tel: 07554 013811Web: http://bemoreben.org/
Read moreBeach Buddies
Beach Buddies Beach Buddies is a free parent and child group who meet up to get out and about in the fresh air together. They stay in touch via their Facebook page and welcome new members. It’s a great way to make new friends! https://www.facebook.com/groups/292769768061556
Read moreBee Keeping
Beekeeping North Somerset Beekeepers run a beginner's beekeeping course. The group has a teaching apiary with training hives and beginners can also keep their hives at this apiary in their first year. Regular meetings allow new and experienced beekeepers to explore the craft together. There is also a programme of educational and social events throughout the year and a monthly meeting on a Saturday. There are regular talks and demonstrations at the teaching apiary in the summer months and study courses in the winter months. For further information, please visit North Somerset Beekeepers website.
Read moreBereavement Support Group
Bereavement Support group Grieving doesn't stop after the funeral and everyone experiences it differently. Portishead Church of England is offering a space where empathy, compassion and support is given to those who are grieving. The Bereavement Support Group meets monthly on the 2nd Tuesday from 2.30-4pm at the Lighthouse Cafe in St. Nicholas Church on Nore Road, Portishead, BS20 8EN. It is a safe space- to talk, to just be, a space to remember your loved one, whilst sharing refreshment and an optional craft activity. The church is accessible and parking is available.
Read moreBowling Clubs
Bowling Clubs The Association of Portishead Bowling Clubs runs a beautiful site housing ladies' and men's clubs on the Lake Grounds in Portishead.
Read moreBridge Club
Bridge Club On Wednesday evenings, Clevedon and Portishead Bridge Club meet at The Ship, in Portishead. The club plays duplicate pairs, handicapped on the first Wednesday of the month for the Floyd Memorial Trophy. EBU master points are awarded. On Fridays there is an online duplicate pairs event run on RealBridge in conjunction with Kingston Seymour Bridge Club in which master points are awarded. All these sessions begin at 7pm with a 6.50pm cut-off time for arrivals. If you don't have a partner, the club can help you find one.
Read moreBritish Legion Ladies Bowling Club
Ladies' Bowling Club ("The Poppies") We are the Portishead Royal British Legion Ladies Bowling Club and we are known affectionately as "The Poppies". We bowl at the Lake Grounds and our club night is on a Monday evening at 6.00 p.m. We are a very friendly club and welcome new and existing bowlers. If you would like to come along please ring Julie Gardner, Secretary on 01275 460201.
Read moreCafe MAMMA
Café MAMMA Café MAMMA is a breastfeeding peer support group helping breastfeeding mums in Portishead and Pill. We meet every Tuesday from 10 till 11.30am at Portishead Children's Centre and we'd love to see you there too. There is also a weekly Zoom support session on Mondays 1pm-2.30pm (term time only). For more information please visit Portishead's Café MAMMA Facebook page.
Read moreCamera Club
Camera Club Portishead Cameras Club is a friendly club with a varied programme consisting of guest speakers, audiovisual shows, competitions and events with other clubs. A great place to share ideas and improve your photography skills, members meet at Redcliffe Bay Hall in Newhaven Road, on Thursdays at 7.30pm.
Read moreChallengers
Challengers Challengers is a youth club run by Gordano Valley Church for children and young people in school years 6-10, for all faiths and none! It's free to join and offers a mixture of in-house activities; challenges, sports, games, tuck shop and lots of space to chill with friends. They also organise trips.
Read moreChamber of Trade and Commerce
Chamber of Trade & Commerce Portishead Chamber of Commerce is a group of local businesses who help eachother and promote the town. They run seminars, regular meetings, and the popular, annual Outlook Portishead conference. Visit Portishead is a member of the Chamber, and we encourage all businesses to join, contribute and attend at least some of the sessions.
Read moreChatty Cafe at Impero Lounge
Chatty Cafe at the Impero Lounge Every Monday, 10 - 11:30 am Having a chat can brighten your day. Why not come along to the chatty table? Stay for as long as you like - it can be 5 minutes or an hour or so - the choice is always yours. Address: Impero Lounge, High Street, Portishead, BS20 6EH No need to book - just turn up.
Read moreChristmas Lights
Christmas Lights Portishead's festive illuminations are often referred to as "the Best in the West". Not convinced? Ride a Harley Davidson Fat Boy and a child's scooter and see them here, on Visit Portishead. The lights are organised and erected by volunteers who work hard all year round to ensure Portishead's Christmas lights shine brightly throughout the High Street, Waitrose Piazza, along part of Wyndham Way and also on the Triangle, West Hill. The lights are funded by a town council grant, donations and fundraising events. New volunteers are always welcome. Find out more on their website.
Read moreChurch Bell Ringing
Church Bell Ringing St Peter’s Church has a ring of eight bells, six of which were installed in 1772, with the two trebles added in 1897. They have a friendly group of ringers (campanologists) who practise for 90 minutes on Tuesday evenings from 7.30pm. Anyone interested in joining the group can call Carolyn, whose phone number may be found below. Address: St Peter's Church, Church Road South, or Church Road North, BS20 6PS Tel: 01275 843770
Read moreChurch Lunch Club
Church Lunch Club Redcliffe Bay Church lunch club is for people aged 50 plus, held once every two months at Redcliffe Bay Methodist Hall in Queens Road, Portishead. To find the datye of the next meting, please contact them at, http://www.portishead-methodist.care4free.net/
Read moreCold Water Swimming
Cold Water Swimming Portishead Open Air Pool cold water swimmers swim at the seafront lido during the winter months. This is a group where users of the cold water swim sessions can share their experiences and ask advice. They have a Facebook page if you'd like more information.
Read moreCommunity Fridge
Community Fridge Volunteers redistribute food to local people via weekly surplus tables. The community fridge store is located outside Co-Op at the top of Avon Way and a surplus table can regularly be found outside Somerset Hall in The Precinct. This project is about reducing waste in our town so, shops and individuals, if you have surplus food - please donate it, if you would like some food (open to all) please go along and choose some. For information, please visit the Community Fridge's Facebook page.
Read moreConcert Band
Concert Band Portishead Concert Band is an amateur band with woodwind and brass players plus a drummer and a bass. We play a broad variety of music for fun and local fetes etc. We rehearse nearly every Tuesday at St Nicholas' Church in Nore Road, Portishead , BS20 8EN; from 7:15 for 7:30 until 9 pm. We would love more players of above instruments, ability to read music required but no auditions, tests etc required. If you like us, stay. For more information, please visit our Facebook page or contact Chris Pearce by email at cdpearce@btinternet.com or phone him on 07790 446188.
Read moreCricket Club
Cricket Club Portishead Cricket Club is friendly, family orientated club based at the Lake Grounds close to the seafront. The club welcomes players of all abilities.
Read moreCrochet Club
Posset Hookers A small group of people who share a common interest in crochet or learning to crochet. From in an around the Portishead area, they meet regularly to talk, teach, learn and encourage each other in the craft of crochet. They tend to meet at The Windmill on alternate Wednesday evenings around 7pm. Check their Facebook page if you'd like to join in.
Read moreCruising Club
Cruising Portishead Cruising Club is a sailing club for racing/cruising yachts with a clubhouse overlooking the River Avon at (Crockern) Pill. Races are held throughout the year and during the sailing season. "Cruise in Company" trips are organised most weekends, visiting various destinations in the Bristol Channel, often to participate in other clubs' rallies and regattas. Visitors are welcome at any club night - Wednesdays from 8.30pm to meet members and find out more. There is also a visitors mooring in the Pill.
Read moreCruse Bereavement
Cruse Bereavement Cruse Bereavement offers face-to-face, telephone, email and website support to those who want it following bereavement. Portishead has a group that meets regularly. Cruse Bereavement meets at the Community Beacon Hub at Portishead Methodist Church in the High Street on the last Thursday each month 10am-noon. They also meet for a 'Walk and Talk' at 10am on the second Thursday of each month. Telephone 0117 926 4045 for more details or pop in to the Hub.
Read moreCycling Club
Cycling Club Portishead Cycling Club Based is a friendly where the cycling is only as competitive as each rider wants to be. There are multiple rides each week. The club is also currently looking in to setting up a youth section. If you're interested, at any age, please visit their website, here.
Read moreDrop-in Cafe
Drop-in Café The Lighthouse Café at St Nicholas Church on Nore Road offers a meeting place for friends old and new every Thursday 2-4pm and Fridays 5-9pm when board games are also played. This is somewhere you will always find a friendly face.
Read moreEnglish Conversation
Free English Conversation Classes Come and join us every Tuesday for our FREE conversation classes for adults. There is one class at 10am and another at 11am and you can come to either session. We have a wide range of nationalities and ability levels across the two classes and everyone is welcome. Classes are in The Beacon Hub Community Centre inside Portishead Methodist Church, BS20 6EN, every Tuesday during the school term time. I have been teaching English for 20 years and although these are conversation classes, I can help you with your grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation too. Email: natalielbond@hotmail.co.uk Tel: 07554 013811 Web: https://bondlingua.co.uk/
Read moreFairtrade Portishead
Fairtrade Portishead Fairtrade volunteers aim to promote Fairtrade products locally and work towards making Portishead qualify as a Fairtrade Town. This requires a proportion of local shops, restaurants and businesses to sell a selection of Fairtrade products. The Town Council has pledged its support, as well as some of our local supermarkets. Visit the Fairtrade page on Visit Portishead, or click here to get in touch by email.
Read moreFibromyalgia Support Group
North Somerset Fibromyalgia Support Group This link will take you to the North Somerset group's Facebook page where you can find contact details.
Read moreFloral Art Society
Floral Art Society Portishead Floral Art Society is a thriving group for people interested in friendship through floral art. We have been established in Portishead for over forty years and meet at 7.30 pm in Somerset Hall (Mar - Jul, and Sep - Dec) on the first Wednesday of the month (practice classes for all levels), and third Wednesday each month (floral art demonstrations). Why not come along and try a class or watch a demonstration? We are always keen to welcome visitors and potential new members. See the society's Facebook page for more information.
Read moreFolk Feet
Folk Feet Regular Folk Dance Visitors and residents are welcome at this friendly weekly folk dance with live music. Just turn up and join in, or watch and have a relaxing coffee. This is a great way to make new friends, learn new dance steps or play an instrument with the band. Tuesday mornings 9.30am – 11.30am, £2 per person in the North Weston Village Hall, 26 Clevedon Road, Portishead, BS20 6TB. You can contact the organisers and find out more by visiting Jill Elliot Music and Dance.
Read moreFreemasons
Freemasons Whether you are a mason who has moved to Portishead and would like to connect with local masons or are a non-mason who would like to know more about the fraternity, find out more about Portishead Freemasons by calling Philip on 07572 543837 or Matt on 07585 152570.
Read moreGeneration Vibe
Generation Vibe This is a Portishead-based youth choir for children in Year 3 and above. They meet on Monday evenings at St Joseph's School. For more information please visit their Facebook page.
Read moreGertie Gale's Allotments
Gertie Gale's Allotments Community allotments situated on Clevedon Road, Portishead, managed by an elected committee of volunteers. Friendly gardeners keen to 'grow their own'. Find out more by visiting their website, or their Facebook Page.
Read moreGordano Civic Society
The Gordano Civic Society is a local society involved in History, Conservation, Environment, Planning and Wildlife issues for the Gordano area of North Somerset. The society produces a regular local history booklet entitled Posset Pieces. All previous editions are available. Meetings are held monthly from September until April, and some summer outings are organised. Meetings are open to all. We meet at the Somerset Hall, The Precinct, High Street, BS20 6AH. New members are very welcome. Join at a meeting or on the website or contact us by phone on 01275 842210 or email, chair@gordanosociety.org.uk.
Read moreGordano Footpath Group
Gordano Footpath Group The Gordano Footpath Group is a walking group based in Portishead with a regular programme of walks. They cater for all abilities with walks varying from ambles of about 4 miles up to more strenuous walks of about 12 miles. They developed the Gordano Round, a 26-mile route around N Somerset and published a book about it. For information about the group and book sales please visit their website here.
Read moreGordano Rotary Breakfast Group
Gordano Breakfast Rotary Club Like all Rotary Clubs, Gordano Rotary involves members sharing ideas to support good causes locally, nationally and internationally while making good friends and having fun. Our current pattern of regular meetings is breakfast on the first Thursday of the month at the Brewer’s Fayre, Gordano Gate, Portishead restaurant and an evening meeting at The Ship Inn on the third Thursday at 6:00 p.m. Breakfast meetings start at about 7:00 a.m. and end at 8:30 a.m. to allow members to get to work. The club hosts a local initiative called Giving Back, a quarterly series of evening events that allows the people running Portishead's charities, community groups and businesses to get to know each other, identify common issues and find solutions! We have also recently introduced Fourth Friday Portishead Business Networking, which is for local businesses and organisations. It takes place on the fourth Friday of each month at Impero Lounge at 8:45 a.m. This event offers the opportunity to get to know fellow business owners and share successes and challenges over a cuppa and a bun. Please visit our website for details.
Read moreGreat Western Air Ambulance Charity - GWAAC
Great Western Air Ambulance Charity - GWAACGreat Western Air Ambulance Charity (GWAAC) is part of the regional 999 emergency response service, working to save lives across Bristol, South Gloucestershire, Bath & North East Somerset, North Somerset and Gloucestershire. When every second counts, GWAAC provides emergency care to people who are in a state so critical that they require the specialist skills of the team at the scene of the accident or medical incident. However, GWAAC is a charity entirely funded by local people and donations, and it’s your support that keeps the air ambulance and critical care service operational and saving lives in your local area. In 2023, the GWAAC team was called to help 1,979 people in urgent need, 29 of these callouts were in Portishead. Every year, we need to raise over £4 million a year to stay operational, and it’s the support from our local community that enables them to do this and continue our life-saving work. Address: https://greatwesternairambulance.com/, Various Locations , https://greatwesternairambulance.com/ Tel: 0303 4444 999Email: ursula.sullivan@gwaac.comWeb: https://www.facebook.com/GreatWesternAirAmbulanceCharity
Read moreJubilee Day Care
Jubilee Day Care Since the 1980s, a voluntary group has been running once-a-week activity days at the Jubilee Hall in Portishead's Sale Road. It's a facility for people who may be socially isolated and would like some company, including those who are physically and mentally challenged. Guests are picked up from their homes by private car to meet with others in a friendly environment, where activities include games, quizzes and sing-a-longs. A hot, two-course meal is also provided. The sessions, which take place on Mondays 10am-2.30pm, are supervised by volunteers to allow carers to choose whether they join in or have some time to themselves. The cost for each session is just £10 per person to cover basic costs. For more details call Mike Burt on 01275 847857.
Read moreKettleballs
Kettleballs Portishead based Hels Bells offers small group Kettlebell training and Kettlebell classes at Gordano School gym. To find out more email Helen at helsbellshally13@hotmail.com. For more information, please visit their Facebook page
Read moreKnitting Club
Knitting Club Portishead Knits is an informal friendly group that meets every second and fourth Tuesday of the month at the Siren's Calling at Portishead Marina 7.30-9.30pm. All abilities welcome for knitting and crochet. For more information visit their Facebook page.
Read moreLadies Walking Group
Ladies Walking Group A group for ladies who like to walk with likeminded others. The group meets most weeks (and occasional weekends) for a variety of walks, exploring in and around Portishead. This group is not lead by trained leaders, each walker is responsible for their own safety and welfare and needs to carry their own first aid. Dogs are welcome on some walks but are the responsibility of their owners. This friendly, welcoming group who welcome new walkers keep in touch through their Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/groups/731410454219202
Read moreLawn Tennis Club
Lawn Tennis Club Portishead Lawn Tennis Club is a thriving club with five all weather floodlit courts located at Portishead Lake Grounds. There are currently more than 300 members, including a very strong junior section. The club is not for profit and run by a team of volunteers. The club promotes tennis for all. It welcomes new members all year round and 'Pay and Play' is available for non-members.
Read moreLego Club
Lego Club Portishead Library hosts the Lego Club for children aged four and over on Wednesdays 3.30 - 4.30pm (term time only). Children must be accompanied by an adult. It's free but places should be booked in advance.
Read moreLet's Play at Portishead Children's Centre
Let's Play at Portishead Children's Centre Join us at our Let's Play group at Portishead Children's Centre! This session takes place every Thursday from 10am - 11am and is full of fun activities for parents and their children aged up to five. (term time only) The group costs just £2 per family and there is no need to book , just drop in! Find us on social media to find out more about our Children's Centre groups: Facebook: @NorthSomersetCC Instagram: @northsomersetchildrenscentres Pleas check out social media pages for the most up to date information. Address: Portishead Children's Centre, West Hill, Portishead, Portishead Children's Centre, BS20 6LN Tel: 01275 884 001 Email: portishead.childrenscentre@n-somerset.gov.uk Web: https://www.facebook.com/NorthSomersetCC/
Read moreLighthouse Dementia Carers Group
Lighthouse Dementia Carers Group Dementia Carer’s Support. The Lighthouse Carers Group is an independent group set up over 10 years ago to give carers of people with dementia a break. At the time there was nothing that gave the carers ‘time off’. This independent and informal group is run by a skilled leader assisted by a team of volunteers who entertain the people with dementia for two hours while their carers sit in a separate cafe area. The carers support each other and can talk in confidence to the leader and sometimes visiting professionals. The carers form a strong bond and friendships with each other. The people they care for play skittles, games, puzzles and are sometimes entertained by visiting musicians and entertainers. The group is free and runs every fourth Tuesday of the month from 10.30-12.30. For more information please phone or email Vicky Preston using the information below. Address: St Nicholas Church, Nore Road , Portishead , St Nicholas Church, BS20 8EN Tel: 07702440416 Email: victoria.preston@yahoo.co.uk
Read moreLions Club
Portishead Lions Portishead Lions have been serving the Portishead community and surrounding villages for 52 years. Working closely with other community groups the Lion volunteers' motto is "We Serve". Funds are raised through a range of exciting initiatives such as the Santa and Easter Floats, Birthday Surprise Flamingos, Car Boot Sales, Raffles and even Wing Walking. At least 80% of funds are actively returned to support a range of local community projects for example: > Sponsoring and maintaining 31 local defibrillators (see our map) > Assisting at the Portishead Youth Centre > Financial support for the Food Bank > Assisting local disability and senior citizen organisations > Supporting local Cub groups with bird box projects The Lions Club meets on the 2nd Monday of every month at Portishead Youth Centre and are always seeking new members who want to help their community whilst also benefiting from being part of a fun and social local group. If you are interested in joining, please contact us through our Facebook page or our website.
Read moreLittle Ducklings New Parent Group
Little Ducklings New Parent Group A series of six advice and support sessions for parents in the run up to birth and beyond. These weekly meetings provided parenting advice for the real world. They're held on Fridays, around lunch time. The final, informal Q&A session is arranged later so that new babies can attend, too. More information on The Nursery website.
Read moreLLADS
LLaDs LLaDs is for dads and their children on a Saturday morning. It's an opportunity to meet other dads and let the children play! Toys and crafts are provided, along with bacon butties, toast and jam, freshly made coffee, tea and juices. It's free but donations are invited to help cover costs. LLaDs meets at St Barnabas Children's Centre on West Hill on the second Saturday of each month 10.30am-noon. Find out more by emailing pilgrim@portisheadparish.co.uk
Read moreLost Pets Coordinator
Lost Pets - Portishead Coordinator Hazel Richards is the volunteer area coordinator for DogLost, an organisation that specialises in helping to reunite lost dogs and cats with their owners. It encourages anyone who has lost a pet or had a pet stolen to register it at www.DogLost.co.uk If a pet is missing and Hazel is alerted she will use her wealth of experience to help recover the lost pet. Anyone in need of Hazel's help, or if you are interested in volunteering to help find lost pets, please email her here.
Read moreMacular Support Group
Macular Support Group Portishead Macular Support Group meets on the last Thursday of each month in the Folk Hall, in Portishead High Street, at 2pm. New members are always very welcome. Email for more details.
Read moreModel Boat Club
Model Boat Club Woodspring Model Sailing Club is a welcoming group of model yacht, boat and ship enthusiasts. The club was formed in 1974 to encourage the building and sailing of radio-controlled model watercraft. Home water for the club is the Portishead boating lake, filled from a freshwater spring and from the high spring tides, giving a brackish water. The lake supports a wide variety of wildlife, so the club prohibits thew use of boats powered by internal combustion engines. Club night is Thursday during the summer months, until the beginning of October. Informal meetings take place during the winter months.
Read moreMultistory Drama Academy
Multistory Drama Academy Drama sessions for children take place at the Methodist Church Hall in Ferndale Road and other venues too. Find out more by by contacting them using the details below. Address: Methodist Church Hall, Ferndale Road Tel: 07967 028982 Email: multistorydrama@gmail.com Web: https://www.facebook.com/multistorydramaacademy
Read moreMusic Club
Music Club Jill Elliott runs a community band, complete with fiddles, whistles, flutes, violins, ukuleles, mandolins and tambourines. She holds musical social gatherings weekly at her Clapton in Gordano home (just up from the Black Horse pub) where everyone practices country and Irish dance tunes, learning them by ear to play with the band at events and functions that are more often than not helping to raise money for charity. The music social sessions include a break for tea and coffee when everyone has time to chat. It's really informal and involves a lot of laughter. Find out more at the Jill Elliot Music and dance website, or call 07515 904 707.
Read moreNational Women's register
National Women's Register A Portishead National Women's Register (NWR) discussion group meets weekly in members' homes. They are a friendly and active group that meets on Wednesday evenings on the first and third weeks of the month and on Tuesday afternoons on the second and fourth weeks of the month, occasionally meeting at other times too – sometimes in cafés or pubs. The programme includes discussions, walks, the occasional craft workshop and a book group.
Read moreNetball
Netball Portishead Pirates is a friendly netball team. Players meet indoors at Gordano Sports Centre, Gordano School, on Tuesday evenings. For more information, please visit their Facebook page.
Read moreNext Door
Next Door Next Door is a private social network for you and your neighbours in the local community. Sign up with your postcode and swap information or discuss local issues with your neighbours. The Police also post items of interest here
Read moreNorth Somerset Parent Carers Working Together
North Somerset Parent Carers Working Together We are North Somerset Parent Carers Working Together (NSPCWT) and are here to support parents & carers with children between the ages of 0-25 that have an emerging need, additional need and/or disability. We signpost families to relevant organisations, host regular coffee mornings, training sessions & events plus we previously organised free wellbeing days out for parent carers to enjoy. North Somerset Parent Carers Working Together aim to improve the service, provision and the quality of life for children and young people with disabilities and additional needs by being the collective voice of parent carers and a strategic partner for the Local Authority, Education and Health. Address: North Weston Village Hall, Portishead, North Weston Village Hall, BS20 6TB Tel: 01934 440844 Email: admin@nspcwt.org Web: www.nspcwt.org
Read moreOak Tree After School Club
Oak Tree After School Club Oak Tree Club is an after school club for young people aged 14 and over with addition needs. They meet virtually via Zoom 6.30-8pm on Wednesday evenings. Sometimes they arrange walks or trips. To find out more, email Lyn Reading here.
Read morePankration Grappling School
Pankration Grappling School Running Judo and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Classes for people aged 4+ Tel: 07403778459 Email: Charles@pankrationgrapplingschool.com Web: www.pankrationgrapplingschool.com
Read moreParkinsons Disease Support Group
Parkinsons Support The Bristol and District branch of Parkinson's UK, supporting those with the condition, friends, family and carers.
Read morePilates
Pilates Portishead Pilates Fit is a group that meets weekly at Portishead Youth Centre in Harbour Road. Beginners meet on Tuesdays at 9.30, then there is a postnatal group at 1pm. On Wednesdays, there’s a gentle Pilates class at 10.30 am. For more details contact Nic using the details below. Tel: 07703 583906 Email: nic@pilatesfitportishead.com Web: https://www.pilatesfitportishead.com/
Read morePill & District Memorial Club
We are a 'not for profit' organisation providing social events for the local and wider communities. For more information, please visit our website using this link. To book an event, please get in touch using by email at clubpillmemorial@gmail.com or phone 01275 372176. Pill & District Memorial Club Keswick House 1 Lodway Pill Bristol BS20 0DH
Read morePilot Gig Club
Pilot Gig Club Portishead Pilot Gig Club is a growing, friendly, community-based gig rowing club. Members row and race traditional Cornish Pilot gigs and the club caters for all types of rowers, of all ages and abilities. Based in the sheltered waters of Portishead marina, members row regularly on the tidal waters of the Bristol Channel. Set up in 2017 by a group of experienced gig rowers, with a mission to bring the competitive, social and exciting world of gig rowing to their home town, the club has grown rapidly and has a solid membership, from age 12 upwards who all enjoy both competitive and social rowing. During the winter, they train hard both in and out of the boat and attend the North Coast Gig League to compete against other local clubs. As the spring comes around they focus our attention on the World Pilot Gig Championships on the Isles of Scilly and the start of the summer racing season
Read morePlayers
Poortishead Players Portishead Players is the town's main amateur dramatic club, with a junior section – Portishead Young Players (PYP). They currently perform four shows a year, usually between October and April with a PYP performance in December. There are lots of ways members of the community can get involved even if they don't want to perform – from backstage and front of house to sewing, painting, selling raffle tickets and much more. There's much more information here, on their website.
Read morePortbury Hundred Clean Up
Portbury Hundred Clean UpA group of good citizens who regularly litter pick along the Portbury Hundred, one of the main routes into our town. More volunteers are very welcome. Contact Bob Cartwright through the Facebook page. Web: https://www.facebook.com/groups/719217162049402
Read morePorters Medical Transport
Porters (Medical Transport) Portishead Porters is voluntary hospital car service providing transport to local hospitals and medical centres. Initial enquiries should be made through your medical centre. The high demand and community spirit of this volunteer organisation has earned donations from grateful patients, grants and funding from the local authorities, which enables the group to cover costs for DBS checks and public liability insurance. This group welcomes more volunteer drivers. Anyone interested in volunteering please phone Vera Sanders on 01275 814002.
Read morePortishead Chess Club
Portishead Chess Club A fun, social chess club for players of all abilities. We are very friendly and are happy to provide instructions. We also have a team registered in the Bristol league for more serious players. Address: Redcliffe Bay Hall,, Newhaven Rd,, Portishead,, Redcliffe Bay Hall,, BS20 8LH Tel: 07771330061 Email: portisheadchessclub@gmail.com Web: facebook.com/groups/portisheadchess
Read morePortishead Choral Society
Portishead Choral Society Portishead Choral Society is a friendly, medium-sized, choral society with close links to the local community. Currently we have about sixty members, drawn mainly, but not exclusively, from Portishead. We are dedicated to singing and providing performances of mostly classical music in four voice parts, soprano, alto, tenor and bass. New members are always welcome, be they experienced or new to choral singing. We do not hold auditions. Tel: 01275 814278 Email: richard.wall.4671@gmail.com Web: https://portisheadchoral.co.uk/
Read morePortishead Farmers Market
Farmers' Market Browse and buy fresh local produce at Portishead's monthly Farmer's Market. This open-air market usually has a dozen stalls selling fresh meat, cheese and vegetables from local farms, vegetables, bread, cakes and crafts. All the produce is made grown and butchered locally so you can be sure it hasn't traveled very far. The quality is so good they tend to sell out early, so make sure you're there well before noon. Held the second Saturday every month in Waitrose Piazza, Portishead, BS20 7JN. For more information, please visit their Facebook Page, here, or phone 07977 397965 for more information.
Read morePortishead Horticultural Society
Horticultural Society - Portishead Formed over 150 years ago, Portishead and District Horticultural Society organizes a Spring Show in March and the Portishead Summer Show, which is held on the last weekend in July every year. Download the 2024 Spring Show Schedule here on this website: it's a 24-page PDF and you can print entry form on page 15. They also host nine meetings with talks from gardening experts at the Folk Hall. New members and visitors are welcome. For further information visit their website or contact Linda Hodgetts by email.
Read morePortishead in Bloom
Portishead In Bloom A volunteer group who keep Portishead looking its best with floral tributes throughout the town. Portishead has been entering the South West In Bloom contest for many years and has been awarded gold every year since 2008, as well as many other awards. Whether you can spare one hour a month or several days each month, new volunteers are always welcome. Portishead in Bloom volunteers also organise Portishead Open Gardens weekend every June and The Big Picnic in July, to coincide with the South West In Bloom Judging. Visit their website https://www.portisheadinbloom.org.uk/ to find out more.
Read morePortishead LeRoc
Portishead LeRoc Portishead LeRoc meet at Portishead Primary School on Tuesday Nights at 8.00 pm. LeRoc, or Modern Jive as it is also known draws on different dance styles and the mix of moves means that you can adapt the dance to virtually any music, from current chart hits to big band swing, rock and roll, blues, soul and Latin. Classes are run by a number of teachers but always include a beginners class, intermediate level and a free-style session to enable people to practice their moves, meet new people and enjoy the atmosphere Address: Portishead LeRoc, Portishead Primary School, Station Road, Portishead, Portishead LeRoc, BS207BD Tel: 07957784094 Email: steve@portisheadleroc.com Web: https://www.portisheadleroc.com
Read morePortishead Park Play
Portishead Park Play Every Saturday at Merlin Park from 10am ParkPlay: 90 minutes of games, activities and fun for all the family. Sessions are free and open to people of all ages. They aim to bring communities together and encourage more people to be active by enjoying free games and activities in a safe, friendly place. If you want to come along please register everyone in your party using the link below. Merlin Park is at what3words ///outdoor.surcharge.holly Sponsored by Sport England and North Somerset Council's Better Health team. Address: Merlin Park, Merlin Park Web: https://park-play.com/register/
Read morePortishead Quilters
Quilters Portishead Quilters is a friendly and welcoming quilting group, with a mixture of abilities ranging from beginner to experienced. They meet at Redcliffe Bay Hall, Newhaven Road, Portishead, on the first and third Tuesday of each month, 7.30-9.30pm. New members and visitors are welcome. For further information about joining please contact either Kay Sellers on 07713 182 110 or Linda Dickson on 07403 009 141. There's also more information on the Portishead Quilters' Facebook page.
Read morePortishead Railway Group
Railway Group Founded in the year 2000, Portishead Railway Group has long campaigned for the reopening of the Portishead to Bristol railway line to alleviate traffic congestion in and out of the town. 2022 has seen a positive step forward with the Secretary of State giving the project the green light.
Read morePortishead Sounds
Portishead Sounds Portishead Sounds is a community choir which meets at Avon Way hall on Wednesday evenings between 8 and 9.30pm. Come along to sing pop, folk, world music, jazz, a bit of classical and songs from the shows all in glorious unaccompanied harmony. There are no auditions and no need to read music. Contact Wendy Sergeant on 07899044606, visit her website, or find her on Facebook for more information.
Read morePortishead Spiritualist Association
Spiritualist Association Meets weekly in Brampton Way Preschool Hall on a Wednesday evening. Get in touch with them via their Facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064481928456
Read morePortishead Tang Soo Do
Portishead Tang Soo DoPortishead TSD is a martial arts school, training students in traditional Korean Tang Soo Do. We provide a strong foundation in self defence and a solid introduction into Martial Arts, in a relaxed and welcoming environment. The class is led by Robert Whitehead, 1st Dan black belt, a fully qualified instructor. Address: The Folk Hall, 95 High Street, Portishead, Bristol, The Folk Hall, BS20 6PR Tel: 07927291814Email: Portisheadtsd@gmail.comWeb: https://m.facebook.com/people/Portishead-GBTSD/100089820685734/
Read morePortishead Town Football Club
Portishead Town Football Club Portishead Town Football Club, founded in 1912, plays a big part in the town's sporting and social community. The men's first team is currently in the Western League Division One and the ladies first team is in the South West Regional Women's Football League Premier Division. The club is also home to around 900 junior players aged between 5-16.. Email seniorfootball@portisheadtownfc.com to find out more about all the senior teams and for junior football, email juniorfootball@portisheadtownfc.com. Portishead Town is located on Bristol Road, Portishead, BS20 6QG and the clubhouse: phone number is 01275 817600 Football for Children Friday afternoon sessions that offer fun, friendly and inclusive football for all, courtesy of Portishead Town Football Club. Suitable for children aged six years and over - all levels and all abilities. Meet between 5.30-6.30pm every Friday at Gordano School gymnasium. Email: jamesptfcjuniors@gmail.com for more information.
Read morePortishead Writers' Group
Portishead Writers' Group A friendly and energising bunch of local writers meet on the second Tuesday of each month from 2-4 pm at Portishead Library to share ideas, offer feedback, and encourage one another on our writing journeys. Whether you're working on a novel of any genre, poetry, short stories or are just starting out, our group welcomes writers of all levels. Come along, enjoy a cuppa, and get inspired When: 2-4pm second Tuesday each month, check website for exact dates and events. Address: 24 Harbour Rd, Portishead, Bristol BS20 7AL. Tel: 07765701422 Email: areedfox@outlook.com Web: www.portisheadwriters.greenrope.com
Read morePosset Squash Club
Posset Squash Club Posset Squash is a friendly, community-driven squash club based in Portishead. We are a group of squash enthusiasts who love the game and want to connect with other players, improve skills, and stay active. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced player, you’re welcome to join us! Go to https://possetsquash.com/ for more information. Address: Gordano Sports Centre, Gordano Sports Centre, BS20 7QR
Read morePractically Perfect Mums
Practically Perfect Mums Practically Perfect Mums is an online resource with family travel ideas, days out and things to do with kids in Portishead, North Somerset and Bristol.
Read moreProbus Dining Clubs
Probus Clubs Portishead Probus Club Portishead Probus Club was originally founded as Probus 73 and this year celebrated 50 years of operation by changing its name. They meet meet at Clarence House, 148 High Street, Portishead, BS20 6PY, on the 3rd Wednesday of every month. Meetings run from noon to 3pm and include lunch and an interesting talk. For more information or an introductory trial, please visit their website or Facebook page. Alternatively, contact the secretary, Brian Lazenby, by email at brianlazenby@btinternet.com or phone on 07711 385825. Gordano Probus Club Gordano Probus Club operated for many years, also at Clarence House, the same venue as Probus 73. However it has now ceased to operate. Some of the remaining members have moved to the Portishead Probus Club. About Probus The Probus movement was founded in 1965 to provide an opportunity for retired men to socialise with like-minded people once they had stopped working. Today, some Probus clubs are for men only, some are for women only and some clubs are mixed. Probus is a non-sectarian, non-political and non-fundraising organisation confining its activities to the social, educational and welfare needs of its members. Membership is for the retired, or semi-retired, with a minimum age starting as low as 50-55. Originally membership was from PROfessional and BUSiness people, which is how it derived its name, PROBUS, but Probus is also a Latin word meaning honest or virtuous, from which the English word probity is derived. Most communities in the country have at least one local Probus Club and each operates completely autonomously. Most clubs have one or two meetings each month, usually accompanied by some refreshment or a midday meal. New members are welcome.
Read moreReal Good Fitness
Real Good Fitness Exercises, but alfresco. An outdoor-based functional fitness class to improve not only your physical health but your mental health as well. Through the use of Kettlebells, Bands and Bodyweight exercises you will build both strength and endurance. With a friendly and supportive community, expert coaching and carefully tailored sessions that build week by week... You will see improvements in no time! Address: Lakeside Cafe, Lake Rd, Portishead, Bristol , Lakeside Cafe, BS20 7JA Tel: 07918 217036 Email: enquiries@realgoodfitness.com Web: www.realgoodfitness.com
Read moreRedcliffe bay Horticultural Society
Horticultural Society- Redcliffe Bay Redcliffe Bay Horticultural Society meets on the second Saturday of each month in the church hall in Queens Road at 7.30pm. New members are always welcome. Just turn up or email for more details.
Read moreRNLI
RNLI Portishead The Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) is a charity that saves lives at sea. RNLI adopted the Portishead Lifeboat service in 2015 and, still serviced by local volunteers, a new lifeboat station now stands on the coast, just off Pier Road. Please visit Portishead Lifeboat's website to find out more.
Read moreRotary Club of Portishead
Rotary Club of Portishead Rotary International provides service to others, promotes integrity, and advances world understanding, goodwill, and peace through fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders. To find out more about Rotary in Portishead, please visit their website.
Read moreRoyal British Legion
Royal British Legion The Royal British Legion supports all ex-service personnel, providing social support, fundraising and welfare. The Portishead Branch serves Portishead and its surrounding areas. Portishead RBL BRANCH MEETINGS take place every month (all are welcome) on the THIRD TUESDAY of the MONTH, 7pm - 8.30pm at the RBL BOWLS CLUB, Bowls Pavilion, Lake Grounds, Portishead, North Somerset, BS20 7HZ. Why not join us for a chat, maybe a drink, a little business and an interesting talk? Portishead RBL GET TOGETHER BREAKFASTS take place every month (all welcome) on the FIRST SUNDAY of the MONTH 9am till 11am at the POSSET CUP Portishead, Wetherspoons, Harbour Road, BS20 7QZ. Ex-Service personnel will be especially welcomed. Just turn up and ask for the British Legion party to enjoy a chat with breakfast and coffee. Are you Ex-Service in NEED of HELP or SUPPORT? Or do you know of anyone who does? Then contact our Branch Community Support, through Berkeley Harris - 07584 074774 - bharris@sandler.com - or any Branch member. Remambrance is not just for November. Please visit their website to discover more detailed information about the Portishead Branch. and here is a link to their Facebook page for up-to-date changes to information and events.
Read moreRoyal Voluntary Service
Royal Voluntary Service Please visit the RVS website to find out more.
Read moreRunning Club
Running Club Portishead Running Club was established and continues to exist to provide opportunities for runners of all abilities to enjoy and develop their running in an environment that is friendly, sociable and mutually supportive. From their base at the Hutch at Portishead Lake Grounds, opposite the lido, they run a variety of sessions on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings for all abilities ensuring they leave no runners behind.
Read moreSailing Club
Sailing Club Portishead Yacht and Sailing Club operates from its clubhouse. Situated on Sugar Loaf beach, in Portishead on the Bristol Channel, it has direct access to the sea. It offers a very warm welcome to anyone interested in sailing as a hobby, whether you are a cadet, an experienced dinghy racer or a beginner - family or single, young or old.
Read moreScouts
Scouts The Scouts have two groups in Portishead. www.portishead-scouts.org www.2ndportishead.org.uk
Read moreSenior Citizens Forum
Senior Citizen's Forum A thriving group of senior residents who enjoy regular meetings with diverse speakers and entertainers, plus a variety of outings and social events. There is also a monthly luncheon club run in cooperation with Portishead Youth Centre. Regular forum meetings are held at The Folk Hall in Portishead High Street on the third Wednesday of each month at 2pm (except for August and December). Joining the group or going along as a visitor is a great way to make new friends and develop new interests. To find out more, contact Reyna on 01275 849997 or Jan on 01275 374916 or visit their Facebook page.
Read moreSinging Diamonds
Singing Diamonds Chat, sing and enjoy a cuppa with other locals at the Jubilee Hall in Slade Road from 10.30am every Friday.
Read moreSpeakeasy Jazz Club
Speakeasy Jazz Club Run by renowned local performer and impresario, Kate Sheridan, Speakeasy brings the big names of jazz to Portishead. They meet at Clarence House on the last Friday, most months of the year. Visit Speakeasy's Facebook page or check our Events List for the latest photos and information.
Read moreSpeedwatch
Speedwatch Anyone concerned about speeding traffic in the local community is invited to join a Speedwatch group to help tackle the issue. Speedwatch involves community volunteers identifying speeders through roadside sessions using an electronic speed gun. The records are then downloaded to the Avon & Somerset Police road safety team, for them to follow up. Anyone in North Somerset interested in getting involved can email portishead04@yahoo.com and your details will be passed to your nearest Speedwatch coordinator.
Read moreStagecoach
StagecoachStagecoach Portishead (Principal - Fae McIntyre) provides part-time training in the performing arts for children aged 4-18 yrs.It offers a full and rounded education, teaching life skills to build confidence and stretch imaginations, allowing each child to develop at their own pace with the support of the group. Tel: 01275 845326Web: https://www.stagecoach.co.uk/portishead
Read moreStreet Dance
Street Dance Ann Marie's School of Funk runs street dance classes for 4-11-year-olds on Mondays 5.15-6.15pm at Portishead Youth Centre. Learn funky routines to your favourite songs and work towards performances with local dance troop Audacity! Anne-Marie is on 07843 248174.
Read moreStroke Drop In Club
Stoke Drop-In Club Stroke Club invites newcomers to its regular coffee morning run by stroke survivors for stroke survivors and their carers. It takes place at Clarence House in Portishead High Street from 10.30am-12.30pm on the first Friday of each month. They are a friendly group offering practical advice and support as well as tea, cakes and good company. To find out more call Matt on 07950 420833 or Lori on 01275 818492.
Read moreTable Tennis
Table Tennis Portishead Table Tennis Club welcomes everyone from complete beginners to elite players, adults, children and young people. It's a progressive and friendly club which has created a great social space where people can play, train and compete. There are also coaches who can work with you to improve your game if that is what you are looking for. For more information visit the Portishead Table Tennis Club website, call Derek Connop PTTC Development Officer, on 07779 118 936, or click here to email him.
Read moreTae Kwon Do
Tae Kwon Do Portishead Tae Kwon Do is affiliated with PUMA-uk. There are classes for Little PUMA's aged 4 to 7; junior s aged 7 to 12 and teens to adult. You’ll find a friendly welcoming atmosphere to train in with a modern approach to tuition, while maintaining traditional values Classes run on Monday at Highdown Junior School, Down Road: Little PUMAs at 5.30-6pm; juniors 6- 7pm and teens-adults 7-8pm, also on Thursday at Trinity Primary, Marjoram Way: juniors 6-7pm; teens/adults 7-8pm. If you'd like to know more, please contact the instructor, Marc Hollier on 07901 864694, e-mail marc.hollier@btinternet.com or visit their website at https://www.portisheadtaekwondo.co.uk/
Read moreTai Chi
Tai Chi Tai Chi is a simple and beneficial fitness regime which can improve your physical balance and reduce stress. Classes every Wednesday evening at North Weston Village Hall, Clevedon Road, North Weston. To find out more, please phone the instructor, Tom Sapsed, on 07460 810478, email him tomsapsed2@gmail.com or visit his website, doctorbeijing.co.uk/TaiChi.html
Read moreTalk Club Portishead
Talk Club Portishead Are you male and over 18? Could your mental fitness be better? Join us to talk about what's going on in your world. Talk Club's mission is to help all men look after their mental health, starting with the simple question, "How are you? Out of 10?" Talk Club Portishead meets every Wednesday, 6.30-8.30pm, at the Beacon Hub. We met at The Beacon Hub, Portishead Methodist Church, High Street, BS20 6EN Web: https://talkclub.org/
Read moreTown Twinning
Town Twinning Portishead is twinned with the Dutch town of Den Dungen and the German town of Schweich. There is an active twinning group that has built great friendships with communities from both towns. Trips for members to our twin towns are organised and those visits are reciprocated with members hosting the visitors. For more information on Portishead Twinning Association please contact Keith Fallows on 01275 817258 or email k.fallows@sky.com
Read moreTownswomens Guild
Townswomen's guild Portishead Townswomen's Guild has been running for more than 40 years promoting friendships, trying new things and campaigning on social issues. They meet on the fourth Tuesday of the month at the Folk Hall in Portishead High Street at 7.15pm. To find out more, call Pat on 01275 844028.
Read moreTurn the Tide
Turn the Tide Portishead Turn the Tide Portishead tackles marine pollution, through regular beach cleans and projects which focus on reducing single-use plastic, removing litter, and improving the environment for everyone in Portishead. On the last weekend of every month Turn the Tide hosts the Portishead Big Clean and all are welcome to join in. When taking part, we highly recommend that you use gloves (even if you are using a litter picker) and a hi-vis jacket for your safety. Then all you need is a bit of enthusiasm and a bin bag to collect any litter you find. For more information, visit Turn the Tide's website, here.
Read moreWalking for Health
Walking For Health Walking For Health is a programme of casual walks aimed at individuals who want to start and stay active. They are also a great way to make new friends. Portishead walks take place on Mondays at 10.30am, usually starting off from Waitrose Piazza. They usually end up having a cup of tea or coffee before going home. Everyone is welcome. The walk leader is Chris, whom you can contact on 01275 845736. Alternatively, to find out more visit the North Somerset Health Walks website. If you'd like to become a walk leader, contact North Somerset Council's physical activity team on 01275 882731 or visit this page on the NS Health Walks website.
Read moreWCandP Railway Group
WC&P Railway Group We are a friendly group for anyone interested in the history of the Weston, Clevedon & Portishead Railway. We are dedicated to the preservation of the remains of the railway as far as is practicable, and of keeping the memory alive. We now have about 140 members. We meet six times a year, alternating between venues at Weston-super-Mare, Clevedon and Portishead on Fridays at 7.30 pm, with guest speakers. We organise occasional trips to other railways etc. See our website for details. New members are very welcome, whether active or ‘armchair’. We have members both locally and from afar of all ages, men and women.
Read moreWhist Club
Whist Club Whist is a classic trick taking card game where players attempt to win more tricks than their opponents. Part of the skill involved in the game is to pay close attention to the cards that have been played and reason out what cards remain. A whist club meets on Monday evenings in Portishead High Street and new members are welcome. For details, call 01275 844290.
Read moreWildlife Trust
Wildlife Trust The Portishead local group for the Avon Wildlife Trust includes a small group of volunteers who carry out land management, fundraising and education through its monthly meetings and talks with guest speakers. Club nights are held on the fourth Friday of the month from 7.30-9.30pm at the Folk Hall in Portishead High Street. Find out more at https://www.avonwildlifetrust.org.uk/
Read moreWomens Institutes
Women's Institutes Portishead has three active WIs, all offering a warm welcome, great company and an interesting and varied programme of talks, social events and activities. Harbourside WI Meet on the first Monday of each month, 7.30pm, at Clarence House, 148 High Street BS20 6PY Email: harboursidewi7@gmail.com Marina WI Meet on the second Wednesday of the month, 7.30pm, at Clarence House, 148 High Street BS20 6PY Email: marinawi1915@gmail.com Redcliffe Bay WI Redcliffe Bay WI meets on the second Monday of each month, 2pm, Redcliffe Bay Community Hall, Newhaven Road BS20 8LH
Read moreYouth Club
Youth Club Portishead Youth Club operates Monday to Friday at Portishead Youth Centre offering sessions for different age groups and a range of different activities. Mondays – school years 7+, 6.30pm-9pm Street dance class – £3 – 6.30pm-7.30pm Youth club activities – £2 – 6.30pm-9pm Tuesdays – school years 7+ 6.30pm-9pm Music studio tuition and recording session – £2 – 6.30pm-9pm Guided skateboarding session – £3 – 6.30pm-9pm Dungeons and Dragons session – £2 – 6.30pm-9pm Youth club activities – £2 – 6.30pm-9pm Wednesdays – school years 8+ 6.30pm-9pm Information, support and advice session – FREE entry – 6.30pm-9pm Thursdays – school years 6-8 6.30pm-9pm Youth club activities – £2 – 6.30pm-9pm Fridays – school years 6+ 2.30-4.30pm After school drop in & youth planning committee – FREE entry Friday Fun - youth club for young people with additional and complex needs 6.30-9pm £3 First Friday of the month for ages 11-17, third Friday of the month age 18+ To get involved in the club's NEW activities projects - please email Steph. There's a recording studio, room hire and it's the home of the Portishead Rock Project. You can also read more at this page on Visit Portishead.
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