Portishead Summer Show
The Portishead Summer Show (formerly Portishead Flower Show) is a two day family show that combines a traditional flower show with activities that promote local country life, nature and the environment. In addition there is an array of family entertainment, live music, food, drink, children’s activities and a dog show.
For the flower show part of the event, the classes range from flowers, fruit and vegetables to art, photography and cookery.
The entertainment for that year included: The Marionettes with 1940s swing, The Quack Pack, singer, Louise Victoria, Punch and Judy shows, Ridgeside Little Nippers and Ridgeside Falconry. The were also adults and children’s sports events.
For more up-to-date information, please visit:
- Web: www.portisheadsummershow.com
- Facebook: facebook.com/PortisheadSummerShow
- Twitter: twitter.com/portisheadshow